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CBD Dosing

CBD is generally safe to consume as long as it's clean and has no toxins. Our CBD products are pure, organic, lab tested and ethical. 
Important Factors to Consider when taking CBD
  • The concentration of CBD
  • The weight of the individual
  • The individual’s body chemistry
  • The severity of the condition being treated
A great way to begin taking CBD is starting off on a low side of a dosage and adjusting upwards slowly over time until the desired effect is reached. 
There is a wide range of dosing possibilities. You can break it down into three dose ranges that are used for different conditions. These three doses combined with a persons body weight can determine the recommended starter dose.
1. Micro doses are considered a low level of medication, ranging anywhere from 0.5mg to 20mg of CBD per dose per day. This dose can be effective for sleep, headaches, mood disorders, nausea, PTSD, stress, and metabolic disorders.
2. Standard doses are mid-range, between 10mg to 100mg of CBD per dose per day. This dose has shown to be effective for pain, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, Lyme disease, anxiety, depression, arthritis, some mental disorders, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, autism, and weight loss.
3. Macro (therapeutic) doses are at the high range, between 50mg and 800mg of CBD per dose per day. These high doses are often used to treat cancer, epilepsy, seizure disorders, liver disease, and other life-threatening conditions.
Dosing chart as per body weight 
Micro  multiply 0.01 by your weight (lb), that number is your starting dose. Increase slowly as needed
Standard  multiply 0.15 by your weight (lb), that number is your starting dose. Increase slowly as needed 
Macro multiply 0.75 by your weight (lb), that number is your starting dose. Increase slowly as needed
If you are unsure of how much CBD you should take consult an experienced health care practitioner, especially if you have an existing medical condition.  While there aren’t a ton of physicians who have experience with CBD, most physicians should have a good idea on how your body will react to CBD and can provide you a professional CBD dosage for your situation. It's important to note that CBD may interact with certain pharmaceuticals by decreasing their effectiveness, including heart medications, allergy medications and antibiotics. 
*This information is from the book CBD A Patient's Guide To Medicinal Cannabis